HR Certification Prep
HR Certification Prep
We know that studying for the Human Resources Certification exams can be quite overwhelming. Let us help you prepare to pass the exam with proven study materials, practice tests, flashcards, discussion questions, test-taking strategies, and peer learning circles. To get started working on the next chapter of your career, select the prep course option below that matches your experience and qualifications.
Contact BRS Advisory Services for more information regarding our certification prep course options by completing the form below.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 770-744-1731

“The HR Certification Institute® (HRCI®) does not endorse any particular preparation program or offering. We encourage prospective certification holders to use a variety of resources that reflect their learning styles and needs. Purchasing a certification product is NOT required and HRCI does not guarantee that an individual will pass based on the purchase of a certification preparation product. The red-and-purple HR design, HR CERTIFICATION INSTITUTE, aPHR, PHR and SPHR are registered trademarks of Human Resource Certification Institute, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. Used Under License.”